Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Schill is Back

Red Sox Pitcher Curt Schilling from Boston.comHow cool is it that Curt Schilling returns to power within the house that Ruth built? Had to listen to most of the game while driving yesterday but it worked out just the same.

The Red Sox beat the Yankees 9 - 2, which I did predict. I should have posted my prediction but if one of these teams beats the pants of the other in the first game of the season, the second game goes to the other in the same manner. Keeping with this theory, today will be a close game. I think it will be the Red Sox over the Yankees by 1. Probably even a low score (2 - 1).

And with Wakefield (who I think should be listed as one of the all-time greatest Sox, but that's a topic for a different day) and RJ on the mound, it should be a good game.

I did like the Red Cross stickers on the sides of the Red Sox batting helmets.

...I would not be opposed to having the Yanks win today (Sept. 11)


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